Rockwool Twinroll 100mm Mineral Wool Insulation (Pallet of 18)

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SKU: rockwoolroll100mm
Regular price £1,553.99 inc. VAT

Introducing the Rockwool Twinroll 100mm Mineral Wool Insulation, the ultimate solution for your insulation needs! This pallet of 18 Rolls is perfectly designed to ensure your building or home is well insulated, both thermally and acoustically.

With its dense and flexible structure, the Rockwool Twinroll 100mm Mineral Wool Insulation offers superb thermal performance, effectively regulating the temperature in your property and delivering maximum energy efficiency. This handy pallet of 18 rolls also comes with easy handling and installation, making it easy to cut, fit and handle in tight spaces.

The Rockwool Twinroll 100mm Mineral Wool Insulation isn't just about keeping your home warm - it also offers excellent sound insulation. Unwanted noise can be disruptive and annoying, but with this insulation, you can create a peaceful and serene environment to live or work in.

So, whether you're renovating your house or building a new one, trust the Rockwool Twinroll 100mm Mineral Wool Insulation to provide exceptional thermal and acoustic insulation. Don't wait any longer - invest in this amazing pallet of 18 rolls now and reap the benefits for years to come!